I was offered a chance to reach out to other melanoma patients through a joint campaign with save your skin foundation and norvartis canada in my favourite medium, photographs.. this campaign aims to raise awareness about different forms of the life-threatening skin cancer and its impact on patients and their families.. I am so moved by visual images I couldn't think of a better way to get a message across.. there were 6 of us patients, in all parts of canada, asked to take a camera and take pictures of what having melanoma meant to us.. the images are powerful.. have a look through the e-book and see if you agree (click here)

much thanks to canadian living magazine and ashani jodha for getting it right!   your article about "my approach to sun safety before getting diagnosed, not losing hope and what I've learned" will help people.. I was quoted correctly and and very pleased with the article.. you can read it here: 


many thanks to rogers tv york region for having me on again to talk about melanoma.. we always have a good time, today was no exception AND I got to hang out with frankie flowers of citynews / cityline.. even snuck a snap of his segment while I was waiting my turn on the couch